Authors Iain Lea ( Jesse Mullan (
Perl script that recursively adds directories or images to a Gallery installation. Its features include a listing of the albums available in a Gallery, the creation of top-level albums with titles and descriptions, and support for the addition of images and directories to an existing album.
Gallery G1 and G2
Usage: [options] [file(s) | dir(s)]
-a album album to be used for uploading image(s) or directory -c album create new album for uploading image(s) or directory -C text caption for image(s) -d text description for new album -g url URL of gallery (default: -G [1|2] gallery version being accessed (default: v1.x) -l list available albums for specified gallery -n do not verify if album exists before starting upload -p pass password to use to login to gallery -q quiet mode (unless errors are encountered) -t text title for new album (if not specified uses -c value) -u user username to use to login to gallery (default: admin) -z zap caption that is by default derived from filename -h help -v verbose -g http://gallery -u admin -p secret123 -a mycars bmw.jpg
upload image bmw.jpg to album mycars -g http://gallery -u admin -p secret123 -c xmas /tmp/*
create album xmas and upload images located in /tmp directory