We try our best to make Gallery usable for everyone. However, if you're encountering major trouble that you can't seem to figure out, you do have a few options:
- Consult the Gallery 1 FAQ. Many common questions are answered there. Please, for the sake of our support staff's time, consult the FAQ first
- Post a message in our forums. Please make sure that you have first searched the forums to see if your problem has been solved before. It's also possible that you could provide more information and help us pinpoint an issue.
- Join our IRC support channel and ask for help.
- Consider paid support services, where we will install and configure your Gallery for you.
- If you are integrating Gallery into a content management system (CMS), use the following sites:
*PostNuke (obsolete)
You can download the integration packages for various systems here.
For the most recent and up-to-date information regarding integrations, start at the Gallery2 Integration Forums, which has specific information for each system.