Gallery2:Animated Eclipse Tutorial - Gallery Codex
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Gallery2:Animated Eclipse Tutorial

From Gallery Codex

Here you find some animated Tutorials about working with Eclipse SVN (Subclipse). See the Gallery2 Eclipse_Tutorial for textual descriptions.

Checking out Gallery 2

Before you can work with Gallery 2 you have to get it. This tutorial shows you how to do that with Eclipse/Subclipse.

Daily Work: Modifications, Quick Check for Updates

This tutorial demonstrates how Subclipse helps you identifying modifications of your working copy and how to do a very quick check for updates. The next tutorial will continue on this one.

Daily Work, Advanced: Synchronizing the Working Copy With the Repository, Resolving Conflicts, Committing/Reverting own Changes, Updating to Other Developers Changes

This tutorial demonstrates how Eclipse/Subclipse helps you to:

  • Synchronize (compare) your working copy with (against) the repository
  • Resolve conflicts between changes in your working copy and changes done by other developers in the meantime and committed to the repository
  • Commit or Revert own changes after having resolved all conflicts
  • Update the working copy to be in synch with the repository