I needed my replicas to link back to the original items when the users clicked on them. I modified my album.tpl file to force all items that are links to link back to the original. Below is a partial excerpt from my album.tpl file:
{if ($child.canContainChildren || $child.entityType == 'GalleryLinkItem')} {assign var=frameType value="albumFrame"} {capture assign=linkUrl}{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$child.id`"}{/capture} {else} {assign var=frameType value="itemFrame"} {* !!!! Change Starts Here *} {if isset($theme.guestPreviewMode) && $user.isAdmin} {if isset($child.linkId) && $theme.guestPreviewMode == 0} {g->text text="(linked)"} {/if} {/if} {if isset($child.linkId)} {assign var=linkId value=$child.linkId} {else} {assign var=linkId value=$child.id} {/if} {* !!!! /change. *} {capture assign=linkUrl}{strip} {if $theme.params.dynamicLinks == 'jump'} {* !!!! change *} {g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$linkId`"} {else} {* !!!! change *} {g->url params=$theme.pageUrl arg1="itemId=`$linkId`"} {/if} {/strip}{/capture} {/if}
It is worth mentioning that I also add the text "(linked)" above the thumbnails so that I can, in admin mode, easily identify which items are replicas/links. It does not show up otherwise.