Gallery2:PHP Version - Gallery Codex
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Gallery2:PHP Version

From Gallery Codex

Gallery 2.2 will raise the minimum PHP version from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0.
Here is a report of how this changes the PHP functions we can use in G2 development.

Now Allowed


Second parameter (return) for print_r was added in PHP 4.3.0
Third parameter (timeout) for ftp_connect was added in PHP 4.2.0
Fifth parameter (resumepos/startpos) for ftp_get/ftp_fget/ftp_put/ftp_fput were added in PHP 4.3.0
Third parameter (recursive) for ftp_rawlist was added in PHP 4.3.0
Second parameter (level) for gzencode was added in PHP 4.2.0
File upload error codes became constants in PHP 4.3.0

Illegal Functions


Second parameter (connection) for sybase_set_message_handler was added in PHP 4.3.5
Support for JPC, JP2, JPX, JB2, XBM, and WBMP with exif_imagetype was added in PHP 4.3.2


Second parameter (autoload) for class_exists was added in PHP 5
The limit parameter for explode can only be negative in PHP 5.1
Third parameter (context) and fourth/fifth (offset, maxlen) for file_get_contents were added in PHP 5 and 5.1
First parameter (categorize) for get_defined_constants was added in PHP 5
Fourth parameter (ignore_transparent) for imagerotate was added in PHP 5.1
Second parameter (raw_output) for md5/md5_file was added in PHP 5
First parameter (get_as_float) for microtime was added in PHP 5
Third/fourth parameters (recursive, context) for mkdir were added in PHP 5
Seventh parameter (is_dst) for mktime is deprecated as of PHP 5.1
Fifth parameter (count) for preg_replace was added in PHP 5.1
Fourth/fifth/sixth parameters (cwd, env, other_options) for proc_open were added in PHP 5
Third parameter (step) for range was added in PHP 5
Second parameter (error_types) for set_error_handler was added in PHP 5
Second parameter (raw_output) for sha1/sha1_file was added in PHP 5
Third parameter (charlist) for str_word_count was added in PHP 5.1
Third/fourth parameters (offset, length) for substr_count were added in PHP 5.1




As of PHP 5.1, strtotime returns false on failure instead of -1
As of PHP 5, objects with no properties are no longer considered empty
As of PHP 5, object assignment/parameters work differently.


Reports generated with these commands, then more greps:

GET '' | sed -n -e '/^CLASS="index"/,/^<div id="usernotes">/ s/^HREF="\(.*\)".*$/\1/p' > urilist.txt
cat urilist.txt | perl -e 'use LWP::Simple qw(get);while(<>){$f=get "$_";$x=$y=0;foreach (split(/\n/,$f)){$x=1,next if /^NAME="function/;if($x and m#^>(.+)</#){if($y){($z=$1)=~s/&#62;/>/g;$z=~s/&#60;/</g;printf "%30s%s\n",$y,$z;last}$y=$1}}}' > funclist.txt
find . -name "*.inc" -o -name "*.class" -o -name "*.php" | php -r '$x=file("urilist.txt");function x($a){return rtrim(preg_replace("/function.(.*).php/e",'\''strtr("$1","-","_")'\'',$a));}$x=array_flip(array_map("x",$x));while(!feof(STDIN)){$y=rtrim(fgets(STDIN));$z=file_get_contents($y);preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z_]+)\\(/",$z,$m);foreach($m[1] as $f){$f=strtolower($f);if(isset($x[$f])){$o[$f]++;}}}ksort($o);foreach($o as $f=>$c){printf("%33s  %d\n",$f,$c);}'