Gallery3:Usability Review (jhilden) - Gallery Codex
Gallery3:Usability Review (jhilden)
From Gallery Codex
- albums are not clearly distinguishable from photos in album view
- too much text on the initial "change password" dialog
- the link to get back to the Gallery from the site admin needs to be more prominent
the drop-down menu in the quick edit pane overlaying over individual albums needs to have a bigger "hoverable" link area, so that it is easier to select the drop down options
- the sort UI for albums is not human friendly at all
- "glasses" icon might not be a good match for watching an album
- there is no indication that you are currently watching an album
- tagging doesn't work as expected
- can't remove tags
- it always displays 'popular tags' instead of tags for the current item
- (album) options menu should be in the context of the album