- mindless: finished language updates, last planned task for branch, now reviewing valiant's urlgen changes. hope to integrate SoC hidden module and start tackling a few bugs before 2.1
- bharat: ~60% done with entity refactor, hopes to be done mid next week; next may look at optimizing ACLs
- valiant: urlgen/embed changes awaiting review; only task remaining for branch is updating rewrite module for these urlgen changes, after rewrite 1.1 is ready. Also working on storing sessions in db, but not for branch.
- pelle: rewrite 1.1 to be committed tonight
- thumb: installer usability report items are at the top of the list, then i'll look at floating matrix and gmc stuff (ads, sidebar blocks). will send matrix->floatingmatrix diffs to -core for review; we'll decide how to integrate floatingmatrix (whether to replace current matrix) very early in january.
bharat suggested two more possible branch refactors:
- fix the event handling code to only load the code that we absolutely need
- change getItemLinks to be data driven and registered in the db so that we don't have to load all module.inc's to render a page
mindless doesn't plan to take these up, so unless someone else steps up we'll save these for a future branch.
Unchanged from last time:
- merge branch to HEAD in late dec/early jan
- 2.1-RC mid-late jan
- 2.1 early-mid feb