Project Tasks
Gallery 2.3
- We'll create a blocker list
- language manager, akismet module, get the bug list a bit shorter
- Valiant will finish ACL by next week.
- Bharat will finish Akismet.
- Jozefs working on the Language Manager.
- Feature freeze goal: end of July.
Summer of Code
- General
- All students, mentors and admins should submit their mid-term reviews ASAP.
- Students seem to be on track, making great progress.
- All devs could have a broad look at the code design of each project in the next 1-2 weeks to give some additional feedback.
- Camilo (Media Metadata Extraction/Manipulation)
- Finished additions to exiftool that will be useful to the editor.
- Will send search implementation and complete exiftool support to review be the end of the week.
- Uday (WebBased Image Manipulation)
- Completed five image manipulations.
- Brian (Gallery 2 SQLite backend)
Changes to GMC Forums (Integrations)
- Changes are in production!
- Kieran will send valiant next week a list of the required forums to create.
Gallery 1
- Quotes received are expensive (factor of 5 over earlier G2 audits), but worth it.
- We'll keep searching/negotiating for another few weeks.
- We'd like to know if Tim_j was happy with the week of Gallery 1.
- Still waiting for an update from Jeff Ward on docs, but he has been very active.
- No word from Katrin.
GalleryCon 2007
- Date fixed at September 22-23/2007.
- People should start booking tickets to keep costs down.
Action Items
- volksport should send out an email with the date/location/very coarse schedule; then people can book flights (e.g. knowing that most people will arrive on Friday? or Saturday?)
- Ckdake to contact gophp5 guy and talk about including unix distros.
- Need Kieran to provide a full list of forums that need to be created.
- Review Gallery2:Usability_Issues:Permissions#Wireframes and send feedback to katrin on gallery-devel.
Closed action items
- Valiant has sent out some screen shots regarding the integration forums layout.
- Ckdake will develop an approach to paying bounty's to developers to develop the top 5 or 10 RFE.
- Talmdal to ping Brian and see what's happening.
- Students and mentors to publish a schedule and milestones for each SoC project on the Codex.