Meeting Notes: Nov 30 2006 - Gallery Codex
Meeting Notes: Nov 30 2006
From Gallery Codex
Project Tasks
Gallery 2.2
- No set date for RC-1. It's done when the blockers are done.
- (jablko) webdav / httpauth: still a few things to do, see blocker list for details
- think about a codename
Theme contest
- We'd like to advertise it a little more.
- some flash banner ads made, got permission to use background images
- Joe7: as valiant wrote in his email, we might need a better landing page to make the 'conversion' rate better. It's unfortunately a complex task..starting with MORE DOCS
- bharat: it would be nice if somebody could go through the theme docs and set up a skeleton of what needs to be there
- ckdake has not received emails back from college proposal
- will try again in December
- G1 docs are way out of date
- should we stop shipping with G1 docs and replace them with a link to the codex?
- ckdake still needs to discuss with Tim_j
- Team page
- Everybody should add themselves to the page, following h0bbel's lead.
G2 Usability
Gallery Foundation
- schultmc talked to SPI, found our Google Ads revenue is not tax exempt (can't go through SPI); to determine if affiliate revenue is tax exempt they need to see the affiliate agreements. schultmc to get that info from MikeK and followup with SPI.
GMC search
- slowly updating search indexes again so that we can try again to renable Drupal search (now at 27%)
- bharat needs to contact drupal devs
- bharat owns this
- Gallery now a project on launchpad: but translations(rosetta) not setup yet.. ckdake still working on this.
- ckdake: it should work with our current process alright, we'll just get a dump from rosetta and commit instead of an emailed po from someone
Gallery 1
- No updates this week
- h0bbel / ckdake get nervous on new G1 releases due to insufficient testing
- If releasing a new version of G1 requires us to put more resources in the G1 section of the forums, then this is a bad thing for the project.
- Quality control has been lacking in recent releases
- We agree that G1.5.x releases need more testing and that G1.6 should be blocked until it has received sufficient testing
- A G1.5 testing plan shouldn't be that hard: A matrix of major features + changes from the changelog vs. browser/server env. Exhaustive tesring is not necessary, just major features + changes since the last release.
- G1.6 testing needs much more work. More environments and a more detailed feature list should span the matrix.
Last Week's Action Items
- bharat to work on security 1.2
- ckdake, Joe7, michiel will work on getting banner ads up for the theme contest
- valiant, michiel, Joe7, ckdake will go through katrin's survey and give feedback
- Some feedback given.. enough?
Action Items
- jablko to work on webdav blockers
- valiant to work on security 1.4
- birdman to work on DB2 REORG/RUNSTATS upgrade
- Tim_j, ckdake will decide how to handle G1 docs