Meeting Notes: Sep 13 2007 - Gallery Codex
Meeting Notes: Sep 13 2007
From Gallery Codex
Project Tasks
Summer of Code
- All of the students have submitted their code to Google.
- jablko and schultmc will be attending the Mentor Summit in Mountain View on Oct 6 .
- schultmc wrote a GMC article about SoC and will publish it today. (Done Schultmc 10:59, 13 September 2007 (PDT))
- AdamPflug has not completed the unit tests.
- BrianKircho hasn't provided any updates to the review in 1 to 2 weeks. talmdal will ping him for a status.
- schultmc will contact Google to see if we can change a grade. (Done - awaiting response Schultmc 10:59, 13 September 2007 (PDT))
Gallery 2.3
- talmdal: Notification module slowly coming together
- mindless working on bug fixes.
- bharat is working on language pack manager
- virshu: navId change is up for review
- We are making progress on the list, but at this point no estimated launch date.
- the guys doing the G1 security review said they'd take a look at G2 and give us a proposal, and they won't be available to start until mid october
- schultmc will give bharat an update on SPI $$$ situation (Done Schultmc 05:06, 18 September 2007 (PDT))
2.2.3 / 2.2.3a
- 2.2.3 is done.
- 2.2.3a consisted of updating the 2.2.3 story and push out a new version of WebDAV via DP.
Gallery 1
- G1.6 final security results are undergoing QA and should be in ckdake's hands tomorrow. From the preliminary report, what they found was new issues.
- Working on a sophisticated langpack download page.
- Jens needs skin help for 1.6 -- 1.5.x skins need to be updated for 1.6
- Jens will document how to update skins on the wiki, then ask for help on -devel
- Might need to backport sec fixes to older versions of G1 for Debian
Changes to GMC Forums
- valiant pinged Kieran about importing the forum posts, no reply yet. All that is left is announcing it on GMC.
GalleryCon 2007
- Date fixed at September 22-23/2007.
- Bharat needs receipts from folks. Sooner he gets receipts, sooner they get paid.
- Would be nice to know the amounts. Email to Bharat or put in the wiki.
- Bharat has talmdal, josefs' receipts.
- People should have booked their tickets.
- We'll be staying at the Orchard Garden Hotel.
- Lunch at Google on Friday. Quite a few will go directly to Google from the airport.
- Volksport is finalizing details.
- Web translation interface built for Drupal.
- Talks to Drupal's site to get list of projects. If someone modifies it to talk to DP, we could have a winner.
- ckdake to assess feasibility when there's time.
Action Items
- Valiant to write an announcement describing the centralizing of all the integration forums within GMC. Will wait two weeks. If old forum posts haven't been imported by then, will announce the current status.