User talk:H0bbel - Gallery Codex
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User talk:H0bbel

From Gallery Codex

News item linkage <bharat> h0bbel:

G2 Theme Notes

bharat> $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('view' => 'foo.Bar'));
bharat> the url generator knows to turn that into &g2_view=foo.Bar
nicklv> if its a controller, then it would be $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('controller' => 'foo.Bar')) ?
bharat> right
bharat> then we'd look in modules/foo/ for BarController
bharat> if you're doing theme work, you can embed a {g->url} tag in a template to generate a url
bharat> eg: <a href="{g->url arg1="view=foo.Bar"}">See my foo.Bar!</a>
bharat> modules can generate their own urls for photo actions
bharat> look in any at the getItemLinks method for an example



Installing on a Windows Server (IIS5)
Installing (or updating) Gallery Remote Applets
Installing Language Packs
Gallery 1.x User's Guide
Importing into gallery
Gallery Remote
What is Gallery Remote?
Using Gallery Remote
Bundled Software
Known Problems
Gallery Remote Protocol
Gallery Remote Protocol for G2
Gallery Remote Internationalization and Localization


Developers Guide
Layouts / Themes (Thumb working on it?)
Support ( )


Guide Standards -- Obsolete need to codex standard
Check Categories (ie )
Gallery1:Configuration_Wizard -- Fix linkage

Gallery Submissions


It is strongly recommended that you backup your database at regular intervals and before an upgrade.

Using Straight MySQL Code (Shell Access)

1. Change your directory to the directory you want to dump things to:

user@linux:~> cd files/gallery2

2. Use mysqldump (man mysqldump is available):

user@linux:~/files/gallery2> mysqldump --add-drop-table -h mysqlhostserver
 -u mysqlusername -p databasename (tablename tablename tablename) | bzip2
 -c > gallery2.bak.sql.bz2

Enter password: (enter your mysql password)
mysqldump --add-drop-table -h -u gallery2 -p dbwp | bzip2 -c > gallery2.bak.sql.bz2

Enter password: my-password

The bzip2 -c after the | (pipe) means the backup is compressed on the fly. It does in one line the same thing that these two commands do:

mysqldump --add-drop-table -h -u dbocodex -p dbwp > gallery2.bak.sql
bzip2 gallery2.bak.sql

Additions Needed

  • chmod instructions

Generate Module Schema

basically, you go to the classes dir and do "make" and it runs make in the interfaces dir and the schema dir

mkdir -p <your_module>/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseStorage/schema
cp comment/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseStorage/schema/GNUmakefile <your_module>/classes/GalleryStorage/DatabaseStorage/schema
cp comment/classes/GNUmakefile <your_module>/classes
mkdir -p <your_module>/classes/interfaces
cp comment/classes/interfaces/GNUmakefile <your_module>/classes/interfaces

documentation format

Hi, I think this is the right place to leave a message...

I was wondering if you give an example of a good "How To" styled page on here that I could model after. Also how does one include technical issues in such a style (maybe leave it till the end so that users can seach by keyword)?

Also, is it appropriate to have a link on the front page to the G2 Installation guide? I left a request in the discussion section for the front page, but it may have been overlooked (or there may be other issues that I'm not aware of).

Thanks for all your hard work!