OpenBSD installed from ISO and all packages pulled from
Packages installed included the following and dependencies:
Major problems:
Chrooted Apache caused:
Problem accessing Mysql
Broke NetPBM
PHP Sessions
Mysql socket error:
Created /var/www/var/run/mysql and then linked the mysql.socket to there:
P.S. If you want to have movies support, you'll need package ffmpeg-20050413.tgz. Install it, copy required libs, and voala!
The problem was in the php.ini! I checked the http error logs and found the following....
After a little research I found that I needed to check the php.ini session.save_path and uncomment it. Make sure that the directory exists and is read/write. I just happened to use /tmp which translates to /var/www/tmp outside of the chrooted environment.
After that edit, I checked the session diagnostic page and it was keeping track of data.
The problem laid in that the supporting binaries were not located in the chroot of Apache. I used ldd to find the necessary binaries and copied them into the chroot. Copy over all the binaries that gallery looks for. This was in the diagnostics page of gallery 1 and Gallery2 displayed a listing during the install.
On my OBsd 3.6 installation it was necessary to remake the binaries like described in Running gallery2 on OpenBSD by Markus Schatzl.
To make the binaries aware of them, also cp /sbin/ldconfig, do a 'chroot /var/www sh' and update your hints-file with /sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib