Gallery includes some basic mirroring functionality, to ease the load on your master server from all the image loading.
Mirroring CANNOT be used to save disk space. It is generally only useful for load balancing.
Mirroring requires that you have allow_url_fopen set to On in php.ini or .htaccess. If your server does not have that directive on in php.ini, try adding this line to the bottom of your .htaccess file
php_flag allow_url_fopen on
If that doesn't work, you'll need to contact your host for further help setting it on globally
Basic steps in the mirroring process:
Gallery will not automatically update your mirror sites. However, programs such as rsync can be used with cron to automate the process. Here's a useful shell script to mirror your albums to a remote server over SSH:
#!/bin/sh if lockfile ~/.rsync-album.lock; then rsync -aCz "$@" --delete -e ssh /path/to/local/albums/ rm -f ~/.rsync-album.lock fi
Heeeelp! My images are still being loaded from the master server!
Wait a minute! Albums are being loaded from the mirrors but the highlight images are not!
This is intentional. Since Gallery only maintains state per-album, it would need to check on each album to see if its highlight image is up to date. It was decided that this would be too slow.