Gallery2:Collaboration Program For Scripted Installers - Gallery Codex
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Gallery2:Collaboration Program For Scripted Installers

From Gallery Codex

This document is available as PDF: Gallery2_collaboration_for_scripted_installers.pdf


As an alternative to the official Gallery 2 Installation wizard there are providers of scripted and automated Gallery 2 installation tools.

The goal of the Collaboration Program for Scripted Gallery 2 Installers is to improve customer satisfaction by solving common challenges of scripted Gallery 2 installation tools.

As a provider of Gallery 2 installation products you are asked to follow the specified recommendations and invited to cooperate with the Gallery Project and other installation tool providers to work towards the declared goal.

The full document is available as PDF: Gallery2_collaboration_for_scripted_installers.pdf


Requested Features and Changes

  • Installation and upgrade through CLI, e.g. php -f install.php?db=foo&adminPassword=bar&... and upgrade.php.
  • Alternatively:
    • Ability to hide storage / database settings in the installer and inject some preconfigured data
    • Way to bypass authentication step (w/o creating a security hole)
    • Add security step or note at the end of the upgrader to request the user to chmod config.php back to 444.

Pending Codex Changes

  • Add information on how to upgrade for all auto-installers (e.g. that users of Installatron can use Installatron or the normal upgrade procedure) to upgrade Gallery.

3rd Party Modifications to Gallery 2


  • Only changes some parts of the install/ wizard to omit input forms for preconfigured settings (auth, storage, database).


  • External time limits fort he uprade process
    • Maybe add some kind of signaling after an initial estimation of the length / work that needs to be done?
    • A timeout of 10 minutes plus an automated backup could do the job. For the few users that run into a problem, there would still be a backup.