Gallery2:Embedding:Code Snippets - Gallery Codex
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Gallery2:Embedding:Code Snippets

From Gallery Codex

Gallery 2 Embedding Code Snippets

These are some more or less useful code snippets that may or may not be useful. Feel free to add your own snippets or to use the posted ones.

Note: Please post maximally 15 lines of code, for longer code snippets, please create your own codex page under whereas you should replace 'Something' with sth more meaningful and then add a link here on this page to your code snippet page.

Also see: Gallery Embedding Overview

Example for a G2 Embed Wrapper / Entry File

A small code snippet to examplify the basics of GalleryEmbed is attached to this post (

Integration with an LDAP User Directory

How a LDAP authentication could be done, take a look at