Gallery2:Installation on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger-MAMP - Gallery Codex
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Gallery2:Installation on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger-MAMP

From Gallery Codex

== MAMP == Mac - Apache - MySQL - PHP

This is for non-programmers ie. lay-people, dummies like me.

I do not claim to be a computer expert. I'm just an ordinary Joe learning this stuff the hard way. I'm not liable for ANY problems you may have as a result of using these directions. By continuing to use these directions below you agree NOT to hold me responsible for you, your computer, it's software, security, or any emotional trauma you may experience from it therein.

With just a few mouse-clicks, you can install Apache, PHP and MySQL for Mac OS X!

MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your Mac OS X computer, be it PowerBook or iMac! Like similar packages from the Windows- and Linux-world, MAMP comes free of charge.

MAMP site: [1]

Why use MAMP for Gallery2?

Use MAMP to set up Gallery2 on your iMac. No need to pay for a service provider...yet...

Set up Gallery 2 first, and when ready (money in hand) find a service provider and transfer Gallery2 to show the world.

Do you want to spend 9 hours or more learning code and then realize you need a degree to do this? NO WAY!

Don't worry you can't break anything. Read: [2]

Did you decide to stay here? Let's get on with things then.


To get Gallery2 working with MAMP, we need to perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install the MAMP software
  2. Set up your MySQL database (automatically done)
  3. Activate your iMac web sharing
  4. Download Gallery2
  5. Set up Gallery2
  6. Use Gallery2

Step 1: Download and install the MAMP software here: [3]

Drag the MAMP icon to the Applications icon in the graphic on your desktop.

(Drag xxxx.dmg file to trash.)

Step 2: Set up your MySQL database

Open MAMP application.

Click on "Start Servers" This automatically starts your Apache Server and MySQL Server.
(You should see the two red lights under the "Status window" turn green)

Click on "Open Start Page" (read what you like most of it is useless)

Click on phpMyAdmin.

Where it says "Create new database" type in: Gallery2

Click "Create"

Close browser window.

Step 3: Activate your iMac web sharing

Go to "Apple icon" top "System Preferences".

Find "Internet & Network" in list.

Click "Sharing" icon.

Click "Services" if not already done.

Under "Select a service to change it's settings" list, click on "Personal Web Sharing".

Click the start button.

Close wiindow.

Step 4: Download Gallery2 here: [4]

  • Make sure to choose Full List of Download Packages just below the large graphic.

You get more download options here.

Step 5: Set up Gallery 2

In Finder menu top screen select "File - New Finder Window". (Or just click on "Finder icon " in your Dock.)

Click "Applications"

Click "MAMP"
Option 1: (If you like read the README.rtf file.)
Option 2: (Drag the "Mamp Control.wdgt" to your widget window.)

Nest Program: Click "htdocs" folder and drag Gallery2 folder from your desktop to this area.

  • To avoid memory problems use "TextEdit" application to change the following:

Press back button in "Finder Window" once.

Click and open "Conf" folder.

Click and open "php4" folder.

Click on "php.ini" (BE CAREFUL HERE!!! - Only change the following line in the code:
memory_limit = 8M to
memory_limit = 24M

Save file in txt format only!! Select menu "Format - Make Plain Text" - NOW Save file.

Press back button in "Finder Window" once.

Repeat for php5 folder (SAME PRECAUTIONS!!!)

  • Open your browser and enter this in your address bar: "http://localhost:8888/gallery2/install/" - No Quotes.
  • Important - the following screen shots may vary depending on the type of software package you chose when downloading Gallery2.

Begin Installing

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12903__
Move mouse over top left of thumbnail to adjust pic size by clicking.

Click: "Begin Installation"

1. Authenticate

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12908__
Don't worry about the Error message. Just click on "correct version of login text"

The file will be on your desktop and also opened in "TextEdit" application. Just close the window.

Drag the login.txt from your desktop to the "Gallery2" folder found in your "htdocs" folder. Remember this is in your MAMP folder under Applications.

  • This Authentication process may have to be repeated if you leave your computer idle for a while.

Click on "Authenticate Me".

2. System Checks

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12914__

Click on "Continue to Step 3"

3. Installation Type

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12917__

Leave this alone...Don't choose "Multisite Installation" !

Click on "Continue to Step 4"

4. Storage Setup

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12920__

Try using a random number as per directions:

Gallery needs a directory to store your images. The directory we chose for you will work, but its location or current name does not provide maximum security. Either select a new directory outside of the document root directory or add a random string to the end of the directory name (e.g. g2data_8f26e593e7).

  • Don't blame me if this isn't secure...I'm no expert!

Click "Save"

5. Database Setup

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12926__

Place this in the following fields:

  • Remember...I'm no security expert! This just worked for me.
  • For some odd reason the first time I set this up I entered: Database Hostname: localhost:8888 for that field and it worked.

The next day when I tried logging in to Gallery2 it wouldn't work. So I started completely over using just "localhost" No quotes. And it worked...go figure.

Database Type: MySQL

Database Hostname: localhost:8888

Database Username: ****

Database Password: ****

Database Name: gallery2

Table Prefix: g2_

Column Prefix: g_

Click on "Save"

6. Admin User Setup

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12932__

The following fields need to be filled:

Admin username: Leave as is or add your name or something else you can remember.

Password: Choose a password.

type again: Repeat same password.

Admin email address: This is your email address.

Admin full name (optional): Leave as is or use something else.

Click on "Create"

7. Create Config File

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12938__

Click "Create config file"

8. Install Gallery Core

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12944__

Click on "Continue to Step 9"

9. Install Plug-ins (Modules)

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12947__

Choose which modules you require. I think I chose all of them. (They were checked already).

Click "Continue or what ever option is given"

10. Check Security

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12959__

Click "Continue or what ever option is given"

11. Finished!

You should see this: __MAGIC_REMOVE__12965__

I hope this worked for you!