gps is a part of the Gallery2:Modules:Map module that computes the latitude and longitude of each photo and then publish that data in a number of ways.
- A GPS receiver (GPSr) that can record a tracklog with timestamps and can download to a computer. Most modern GPSr's do this.
- A digital camera that timestamps the photos. All modern cameras do this.
- Either Gallery 2, or the offline version of this software (see below).
- Turn on your GPSr and get a fix.
- Set the time on your camera to the clock on your GPSr.
- Let your GPSr record your movements. Don't worry if the GPSr looses the signal - this module will interpolate.
- Take pictures.
- When your done, make sure your GPSr records your final position.
- Download your tracklog to your computer.
- Use gpsbabel to convert the tracklog to their custom format, e.g. from the command line type gpsbabel -t -i mapsource -f x.mps -o custom -F x.custom.
- Install Gallery2:Modules:Map and the EXIF module.
- If you want your gallery to be / compliant, activate the 'gps' block for all your themes. This block is invisible.
- Download your photos into a new album in Gallery.
- Click on Export to GE
- Upload the tracklog in custom format and set the timezone. Google Earth will open.
- Click on a placemark to see the thumbnail.
- Click on the thumbnail to go to that photo in Gallery.
- works fine but geourl has a problem accepting some Gallery URLs.
- Exotic timezones may not work.
- When you do something wrong, you get bad output instead of a proper error message.
- Please report any addisional problems at gps forum, or on this page.
Also see