Ability to define and display additional data for albums and items.
Add your own attributes (e.g. people, location, price, etc.) to albums and data items (images, videos, etc). All Gallery 2 items already have fields for title, summary, description, keywords, origination date, name (folder / file name), ... But if that is not enough, you can add your own attibutes too. E.g. add the Custom Field Location to your albums and assign a value for that field to all your albums such that visitors of your website can see where these images were taken.
- Ability to edit custom fields on "Edit Captions" page for an album so that multiple photos within an album can be edited without clicking through to each one.
- It's great that one can limit the entry field by creating a dropdown. Now I'd like to add this to the advanced search function. So one can easily filter out all files with these specific atributes. Would this be possible? I dont's know if I should add this request here or at the search module of maybe you guys could work together on this? See also: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1522736&group_id=7130&atid=357130
- Aligning information of custom fields. Now the information follows the custom field name and you can not present information like in tables.
- If the value of a custom field is a URL, make value a hyperlink. Example: If custom field is called 'More Information' and the value of the custom field is 'http://www.alink.com/page.html' then make the text value a hyperlink. An extra option could specify whether to open links in the same or a different window.
- Optionally switch off the "Custom Fields" header or replace it with some other text.
- increase custom fields length to be more than 255 characters
Currently there are no known issues for this module.