Adds support for Flash Video (flv) files to be shown in an embedded player.
For expert users: If you want to manipulate code to change the way the player is called, you can do it by editing the file classes/FlashVideoRenderer.class in the flashvideo module directory. Here is a complete list of all parameters:
flvUrl - full url to the flv thumbUrl - full url to preview thumb title Width Height htmlDiv - containing/target div for resizing. allows for multiple instances on one page - default flashvideo sb - short primary buffer default 10 lb - longer secondary buffer default 20 allowDl - allow download? true/false (shows/hides download button) langDownload - tooltip Download langLarge - tooltip Large langNormal - tooltip Normal
If video files with flv extension do not play in the embedded player, try swf files instead of flv.
In version 1.0.0, but not any more in 1.0.2, you might need to edit the movie size to the actual value instead of default 0 x 0 to have the embedding actually work. You have to go through every movie item manually. Thumbnails are not generated. On the other hand, if you use the ffmpeg plugin, you can have thumbnails, but probably not for flash video. Thumbnails work for other video formats, but then you don't have the handy embedded flash player.