Gallery3:Installation on Windows and Apache - Gallery Codex
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Gallery3:Installation on Windows and Apache

From Gallery Codex

Running Gallery 3 on Windows environment is not officially supported by Gallery Team.

The following should not be taken as a promise that Gallery 3 will work on Windows.

These instructions are only based on users' experience and provided on voluntary basis.


These installation procedures have been carried out with the following software:

  1. Windows Server 2008
  2. MySQL essential 5.1.57
  3. Apache 2.2.19
  4. PHP 5.2.17
  5. ImageMagick 6.7.0-7
  6. ffmpeg

Installing these with default settings will do.

Preparing database

Create a database and a user for Gallery, grant the user rights for accessing and modifying the database.

Installing Gallery 3

Download Gallery 3 and place it in Apache-readable folder (eg htdocs). If you wish, you could create a separate virtual host for gallery ( or an internal server alias which allows to install Gallery to a different folder or disk outside server location (for example Z:\gallery3).

Fire up the web browser and in case everything above was set up right Gallery should welcome you with the installation screen, asking for MySQL credentials.

Fixing Gallery's Windows-related glitches

  1. Admin dashboard contains only system info – fixing instructions @
  2. ImageMagick not found - follow the instructions @

Possible error conditions

Correcting the admin dashboard platform information block: Gallery3:Modules:win_platform

Please, feel free to point me to some descriptions and I could try to explain how solve the problems.