Adds an animated menu at top and bottom of your Gallery3. Macbook users will recognize this from their computer
Cool icons are displayed as G3 links. On mouse over, icons will increase size relative to how close the mouse is. On mouse over a link title is displayed for description of link.
The menus are made sticky so that they fix them selves at top/bottom even on scroll pages.
Note: this modules use z-index: 500 (css in 3D), placing it on top of everything. If you have links placed underneath they may not be accessible.
Reorder of icons?
Edit the icons.txt file. Rearrange the list to the way you want the icons to show.
Icons: Inside images the shown icons must be stored. Default are grayscale/monochrome icons that fits to almost anything. Orange is an alternative icon set that fits well with the G3 logo. Move these icons to images if you prefer these, or create your own from mix folder or other. Graphics are 128x128px. You may use other sizes.
Edit: Files to edit for changing, removing or adding links are placed inside the views folder
- fisheye_menu_bottom.html.php - fisheye_menu_top.html.php