Gallery3:Modules:recent album highlight - Gallery Codex
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Gallery3:Modules:recent album highlight

From Gallery Codex

Recent album highlight

Uses jquery to replace the album highlight with a recent thumbnail.


Album highlights are replaced with recent items from items in the album or (if set through the admin page) items in sub-albums as well.
There is a few admin configuration options:

  • Choose recent items from the album or choose a recent item from sub-albums as well.
  • Edit album to disable recent highlights from specific albums.

Edit album dialog - screen shot:

Admin recent.png


This module may be downloaded from the codex here.

To install, extract the "recent_album_highlight" folder from the zip file into your Gallery 3 modules folder.
Afterwards log into your Gallery web site as an administrator and activate the module in the Admin -> Modules menu.
Configure the module: Settings -> Recent album highlight. Save
For each album you will have a checkbox to disable the recent highlight; Edit album.


Similar modules: Gallery3:Modules:album_cover_browser , Gallery3:Modules:random_album_highlight