Gallery3:Upload UX - Gallery Codex
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Gallery3:Upload UX

From Gallery Codex

UX design for the default uploader in G3

Initial upload view


The user clicks on the 'Upload photos' link in the main Gallery and gets to this lightbox view.

The upload album is automatically set to the current folder when clicking on the upload link in the main Gallery. The users can change this if she needs to (a UI for this is yet to come), but in 80% of the cases the default should be fine. So I think we could build the first version of this without the option to change the upload album.

The only other options on the upload view are to leave it again (using 'Done' or the 'X') or to select photos.

After photos are selected it will directly start uploading them and showing the progress in the Upload queue.

Metadata editing view


Once the first photo has finished uploading a second column will appear on the right side of the dialog. It contains a thumbnail and form field to edit the metadata of that photo. Once you are done with editing that photo you can click "Save & next" to get to the metadata of the next photo. Once all the uploading and editing is done you click on "Done" and get back to the album view.

The interaction with the uploader should be very similar to this demo from the SWFUpload site:

Additional notes:

  • you can cancel uploads from the upload queue at any time