Integration:WPG2 Options - G2 Rewrites - Gallery Codex
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Integration:WPG2 Options - G2 Rewrites

From Gallery Codex

This Page Relates to WPG2 Version 3.0

WPG2 Options Gallery2 Rewrites can be found on the WPG2 Options Menu, via the WPG2 Tab which is located (Generally last) on the Wordpress Top Menu (Dashboard, Write, Manage .....)


  1. Checklist to ensure Wordpress Permalinks are active, the Gallery2 Rewrite plugin has been (installed / Can be Activated / is configured to use the Mod Rewrite) and both Wordpress / Gallery2 .htaccess files can be updated.
  2. Gallery2 Rewrite Activation Switch. Note the value of this switch will depend on a few different values ranging from Off, Off|Safe, and On (Please see below)
  3. Some very important warnings. Please READ THESE Prior to Activation!


This is the default status, Gallery2 rewrite module is deactivated


Gallery2 rewrite module is deactivated and could be activated.


Gallery2 Rewrite Plugin is active.


  1. Even if the Gallery2 rewrite module was activated prior to WPG2 installation, on WPG2 initial activation the Gallery2 rewrite module will be turned off (with the applicable warning message generated as part of WPG2 Validation).
  2. Changing either the Wordpress Permalink rules or the WPG2 Page Slug will automatically change the status to OFF|SAFE and turn the Gallery2 rewrite plug off. (This is because the underlying links might have changed). The WPG2 will automatically schedule a job to try to revalidate and enable rewrites shortly after any such change.
  3. Changing any Rules in the Gallery2 Rewrite plugin will result in changes to the underlying links thus it is highly recommended that after making any such changes to return back to the WPG2 G2 Rewrites tab to ensure everything is still valid.