Integration:WPG2 Options - WPG2 Tags - Gallery Codex
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Integration:WPG2 Options - WPG2 Tags

From Gallery Codex

This Page Relates to WPG2 Version 3.0

WPG2 Tags Options can be found on the WPG2 Options Menu, via the WPG2 Tab which is located (Generally last) on the Wordpress Top Menu (Dashboard, Write, Manage .....)


The following Options are available.

  1. Default Size of the Image to be Displayed within your Blog Posts*.
  2. If the Selected Image, is not an Album, Output the Selected Gallery2 Frame.
  3. If the Selected Image, is an Album, the Selected Gallery2 Frame around the Album.
  4. Output the Item Gallery2 Description.


  1. WPG2 Tags live inside the Wordpress Blog Postings, with the syntax of <wpg2>id|size</wpg2>
    • ID being the Gallery2 Entity ID of the Gallery2 Object being linked to your Blog Entry
    • Size being the Size of the Gallery2 Object to be displayed.
  2. Gallery2 will select the closest (higher) sized image (being either another resized image or the Full Sized Image) and scale this image back to the selected size. It is recommended to ensure that a resized image close to the size of the image being returned exists to ensure Gallery2 does not return the fullsized image which could be several megabytes in size, failure to do this could result in very large page sizes and slow page load times.
  3. You can also specify the size of the image to be inserted by using the Gallery2 Image Selection Tool (G2Image)
  4. WPG2ID Tag has been deprecated in WPG2 3.0