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Jay Rossitter (later)
Everyone who is staying in a hotel is staying in the same hotel. Robert will send out an email tonight that outlines everything to –core
A list of activities is on Bharat mentioned that the wiki should be our primary means of figuring this out
The “main Dinner‿ is on Saturday
Whoever is there on Friday, will meet for a casual dinner. Bharat is going to tell Michael that he is in charge to find a restaurant for Friday in the near of the hotel.
Robert will put information about this into his mail. Bahrat says that you can take the subway from any one part of Manhattan to any other part for US$2 and Dariush mentioned that busses/subways aren't bad A Metrocard is a good choice.
Beckett offers:i go off the arrival times in the gathering_airfare page and i'll send out an email tonight with people I can likely pick up.
Bharat asked how the feeling is. Most people are fine with it. Another advantage of this change is, that Bharat can more work on the drupal website. Drupal site is planned to release before Gallery 2 release.
Dariush mentioned that could make users think that G1 is dropped which is not the case. Bhara would like to continue using as our primary pointer url, and as the main gallery website url
Note: menalto comes from: MENlo park, palo ALTO Robert suggested to purchase a gallery.tld. Most agreed.
Bharat is focusing now on fixing the appearance of the forums, and getting the search subsystem to run really fast
- looks like the install issues are mostly fixed, how about the upgrader problems? - i think the big issues are resolved -still getting new bugs, but nothing severe - no new icon
- when the final release goes out, it would be really nice if at least RC2 is in testing - the problem is that a package doesn't move from unstable to testing unless there have been no bugs over a certain level of severity for 2 weeks (or some formula like that) so we need some testing of the debian package, and some work to get it in shape
After a discussion of pros and cons the date for G2RC2 is 22.08.2005
We continue to have very high expectations of the SoC work.Remember also that the code reviews can indicate substantial changes required if you've gone in a direction that is not quite what we want/need/expect/etc So the sooner that you can get code to us for review, the better.
Aare there any students who have not shared at least some of their code with their mentor, yet? Yes, about half of them
When you say "get code to us for review", you don't mean I need to do anything more than sending my code to my mentor for a review, as I'm doing now, right? correct.
We (mentors) will review your code carefully and give you constructive feedback about different directions to take, code that's missing (eg: unit tests), code that needs cleanup (eg: style guide violations), possible architectural changes, etc.
When do you think we should have code completed and ready for review? Something that works and is ready for a full review on 8/17
The gist of this is: 1. don't understimate the tail end of getting your code ready for inclusion 2. share early/often -- we will have useful feedback for you 3. don't postpone things like unit tests, understanding key concepts. ask early/often
Bharat proposed 2 solutions ( ) After a little discussion #2 is now the way.
Bharat and Jozef are working on them
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