Codex:Documentation Requests - Gallery Codex
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Codex:Documentation Requests

From Gallery Codex

About this Page

Is there a feature you'd like to know more about? Confused on how to do something? If you've searched the docs and come up empty, add it here. This page will give the documentation team an idea of what people need documented the most.

Project Proposals

These are more thought out documentation ideas that someone new to writing Gallery documentation could start on. Feel free to add to this list, but requests should go into the next section down. Good things to go here include both task based howtos and module/core "how things work" or "where things are" documentation. Things like "Read existing docs for module X, use G2 to better understand this module, and make better docs for Module X" are good. (What modules need better documentation the most?)

  • Write a Gallery 2 Quick Starter Guide. This would need to be a comprehensive guide on getting started with Gallery 2. There is plenty of material to link to or condense into it (the install howto, adding images howtos, etc), and plenty more that needs to be written (including adding subalbums, working with permissions and users, image blocks, changing themes, etc). A good starter guide would take care of anyone that wanted to install Gallery 2 for the first time, pick a theme and customize some blocks, and upload albums and subalbums of images both private and public.


(Add new requests to the end of the list)

  • How do I add a new toolkit? (G2)
  • Video compatibility guide (G2)
What formats/codecs/extensions are supported depending on what video tools are on the server (eg ffmpeg, etc).
  • (G2 FAQ and link from How-To) How do I prevent people from seeing my code or customizations? (see this page source for some possible content..)
  • Feature List (G2) - I'd suggest just a copy of the G1 features page and then we can edit and link it.
  • I would like to be able to edit the forum colors and icons/images without knowing code. Honestly, Conforums (Which is a FREE service) has better customization features. That's pretty sad.
    • what forum colors are you talking about? Give us a url to the forums that you're talking about.
  • I want to integrate Gallery2 with Joomla CMS, but I don't understood phrase "documentation is included in the "contrib" folder of the source code explaining installation" from the features list. Where I can find this documentanion in Web?
  • Need to add in installation (System Checks) that for PHP's new memory_limit to be used, the apache server needs restarting so it re-reads php.ini
  • How do you intergarte Kerberos Authentication into Gallery 2. How do you tie this into the on the fly user creation.
  • Development docs: Use xdebug / callgrind / kcachegrind to visualize G2's function call-graph. Use the graph as an overall impression and then explain controller, view, AJAX requests and subsystems.
  • PostgreSQL backup instructions
  • Please remove the need for registration for this wiki. If editing a wiki page without logging in is good enough for Wikipedia, why isn't it good enough for Gallery?
  • Only make users fill in the captcha once. Making potential users fill out the captcha over and over again until they find a username that's not been taken is extremely irritating.
  • Which Drupal modules *exactly* are required for the Drupal Gallery module to work? The install screens say "Image Block", but I can't find a drupal module by that name. There need to be links to the modules themselves, not just the name written.

Animated Documentation

Wink is a very nice little utility to make animated tutorials/documentation. See also our How to Create a Wink Tutorial. Add any specific requests for such documentation here.

  • General core G2 usage like 'picture upload', 'album creation', 'user creation', 'setting permissions' and so on
  • Module specific tutorials like 'configuring RSS feeds', 'rearrange' and others
  • Installation guides? Walkthrough of the installer?
  • How to install themes if the installation didn't include themes?

Forum Threads Worth Noting for codexification

Filled Requests

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