Integration:WBB3 - Gallery Codex
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From Gallery Codex


my name is Markus Wilhelm, here you can find information and explanations on embeding Gallery into Woltlab Buletin Board and Woltlab Community Framework. Informations about Gallery2 Embedding can be found here Gallery2:Embedding and all available integrations for Gallery1 here Integration.

There is a problem with the rating module of Gallery in combination with WCF. I reported this issue to Gallery Bugtracker:

To solve this please use the following changes RatingHelper.class and store it to gallery2/modules/rating/classes/. You can find the changed classfile here:

Deutsche Beschreibung

Es gibt diesen Wiki Text auch in Deutsch:Integration:WBB3DE

Gallery and WCF/WBBB Versions

This plugin is released for all versions of WBB 3 and Gallery 2.2 and 2.3


You can download the Plugin on my website:

Demo Embed:
Demo Gallery2:
Subversion Repository:

  1. Ongoing Developments: svn://
  2. Released Versions: svn://
  3. Username: gast
  4. Passwort: gast

Subversion Repository Webbrowser:


You can discuss topics on Gallery2 Embeding into WBB3/WCF in

Or in our Support Board specially created for G2 Integration:

Development History

Detailed history can be found inside our Bugtracker: - Version 1.1.0 RC1
- 0000524: [Layout] Weisse Portal-Seite (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000472: [Development] Portal Box für Alben (Dynamische Alben, alle drei anbieten, plus fixed Item) (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000476: [Development] User group permissions for sync (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000477: [Development] New handling for gallery settings (Caches) (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000481: [Development] Einstellungen im ACP unter Inhalte / Gallery / Einstellungen (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000484: [Development] canViewG2 als Berechtigung einführen (HeaderMenü und Page) (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000487: [Development] Menu Icon ist 24*21 und nicht 24*24 Pixel (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000502: [Layout] Schreibfehler im Profil (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.
- 0000505: [Development] index.php/index.php und SEO / Kurze Url (markuswilhelm) - geschlossen.


Upgrade from Version 1.0 to 1.1

You have to deinstall the Version 1.0 first and than install 1.1. This is due to the change of the Plugin Parent application which has been WBB and is now WCF.


Just install it like any other kind of plugin. Remember to install Gallery2 first. To be able to change Gallery2 settings in ACP you will have to adopt changes to the WBB roles. Goto: User - Groups - Lust Groups and change any group you want to, preferable is the Administrator group. Then navigate to the administration rights tab and in the sub tab to content. Scroll down to the Gallery permissions and change like you want to have them.

After Installation you will have to change one template manually: userProfile.tpl

Search for:

{if $user->getAvatar()}

And Include before:

 {if $usergallerypages|isset}
	<div id="userProfileAvatar">
		<div class="border">
			<div class="containerHead">
				<div class="containerIcon"><img src="{@RELATIVE_WCF_DIR}icon/avatarM.png" alt="" /></div>
				<h3 class="containerContent"><a href="{$usergalleryurl}">Bilder von {@$user->username}</a></h3>
			<div class="container-1">

What can the Plugin do?

The Pugin has three parts. Just display the Gallery2 Embed page, offering the user to change settings and offering the administrator several automized steps the configure and maintain the plugin data.

  1. Gallery Page
  2. User Profile
  3. Administration

Gallery Page

Just display the Gallery2 Embed page. Several settings possible to maintain in Administration Control Panel (ACP).

User Profile

The part is about how the user can handle the gallery and its pictures.

Profile Page

If for any reason the creation of an own album failed it is possible for the user to create his own album from his profile settings page.

User Page

Display og the users Album together with a random image realized with an image Block.

Eventlistener: Password change

Not jet realized. The idea is to offer (if whished) the possibility to use the Gallery Embed or as standalone witht the same users password, therefor the change of a password must be stored as well in the Galery2 database.

Eventlistener: User Registration

Not jet realized. The idea is to offer (if whished) the possibility to use the Gallery Embed or as standalone witht the same users password, therefor the initial password must be stored as well in the Galery2 database.

Eventlistener: User Deletion

Not jet realized. If a user is deleted in WBB than what has to happen to the user inside Gallery2 and its pictures?


The part is about how the Admin can handle the gallery and what are the possible settings and problems.

Gallery Settings

The initial settings for your galler can be set inside the ACP: System - Options - Gallery

  • Set the paths to Gallery2
  • Set the URL to your Gallery2
  • Display Login Link
  • Display Sidebar
  • Syncronize Users and Groups by cronjob or manually.

Link to Gallery

You can find the settings after changing the respective roles inside the ACP, goto: Content Then you should see the Gallery as one entry in the menu bar. If not refresh you Window and/or check the groups settings for the Gallery.

The startpage of Gallery can be set to:

  1. Root Album
  2. UpdatesAlbum
  3. PopularAlbum
  4. RandomAlbum

User Sync Page

Sync the users and groups data and display all users available in wbb and Gallery

Group Sync Page

Sync the users and groups data and display all groups available in wbb and Gallery

Eventlistener: Passwor change

Not jet realized. The idea is to offer (if whished) the possibility to use the Gallery Embed or as standalone witht the same users password, therefor the change of a password must be stored as well in the Galery2 database.

Embed and Rewrite URL

See for general Dokumentation.

You have to proceed as follows:

  1. Logon to WBB and go to your Gallery e.g.
  2. Go to the Gallery Administration page (Inside WBB, not inside Gallery standalone).
  3. Activate Short URL (Mod Rewrite) on the plugin page
  4. Go to configuration of Mod Rewrite
  5. Enter Path to WBB .htaccess, e.g. /your/path/to/wbb/installation/ (not the wcf path) when your WBB installation is stored in installation folder
  6. Enter URL to your WBB, e.g. /portal/ when your wbb is running in like mine.
  7. Activate Plugin
  8. Finished

You can see an example on the demo page: or

To Do

  • Several other things, see Bugtracker